28 January 2015

Nurture you project Week ummm #4

Umm Yep so there's no week 2 & 3 but rest assured I have been making changes and making myself a priority. We have just been so busy with renovation work (Thankfully an awesome friend sent her hubby over to help mine rip out the ceiling of the bathroom instead of me otherwise it probably would have ended in a divorce!) and finalising details for my course ... throw in a few kids and some homeschooling into the mix and there hasn't been a nanosecond spare.

So, I have been accepted into the Naturopathic college of NZ which is amazing news! After a lot of thought I have changed over to a Diploma in Nutritional Science but will start with a certificate in Anatomy & Physiology. Something about becoming a Naturopath wasn't sitting right and I realised it was because I primarily use food not supplements to heal myself and my family. This is something that everyone can do no matter what your financial situation is, when you visit a Naturopath (as wonderful and knowledgeable as they are) you are usually given a list of supplements that will fix the problem but these are very expensive and not many people have that sort of disposable income. I believe we should be concentrating on using food to prevent illness and I feel passionate about sharing that knowledge with others . So my hope is to become a Holistic Nutritionist. Just thinking about it makes me really happy and that's how I know I've made the right choice.


I'm so excited about this new path I'm taking. It will be hard a challenge, but it's a subject that is so integrated into my life already, I know we will make this work!!

So onto my project!! A few changes I have made in the last few weeks are;

Going to bed at 11pm.

This may be late for some, but for me this is early!! I aim to eventually be in bed at around 10:30 to be asleep by 11pm. Lack of sleep I think is a major contributor to my gallbladder and liver issues. our bodies heal and replenish when we sleep and between 11pm- 3am is when the liver and gallbladder repairs itself. So if your not asleep, this obviously can't happen!

Another thing I have restarted is;

Applying Magnesium Oil topically every day.

So many of us are deficient in Magnesium. I started using it before I got pregnant with Layla to help with morning sickness and then just.... stopped. So I have started to use it again every day, and it feels good to know I'm paying attention to my own wellbeing for a change. It is something I feel we should all be using but if Magnesium Oil isn't in your budget right now then Epsom salt baths are a great alternative. My husband doesn't like feel of it on his skin so I have to run after him and be a stealth ninja about it but I know he'll thank me for it eventually :)

This is the brand I use


And lastly I have been getting up extra early, around 5:30 instead of 6:30, to make sure I have enough time to get my oil pulling done and just have 5 minutes to myself. I love seeing the sun come up, and being ready to welcome my babies with a happy face and a hug when they wake up.

So all in all a very successful fortnight I think. I will definitely be more organised from now on. How have you nourished and nurtured yourself this week?

14 January 2015

In the moment

I feel like I'm in limbo at the moment, like I'm waiting for something big to happen. (Took a pregnancy test, Its not that) I think its because we are waiting to find out about some things that, if they come to fruition will change our lives. Josh has an interview next week for an apprenticeship and I am waiting to hear if I have been accepted into the Naturopathy Diploma I have applied to. But bigger than that, I feel it may just be about the revelations I've had recently, about life, the universe, all pretty deep shit to be honest but that seems to be how it is for all of us who are welcoming the upgrade . And now I feel oddly peaceful, truely knowing in my heart that all is as it should be at this very moment, we will continue to move forward, and talk and dream and wonder when it will all happen. But right it this moment I'll be here, gardening, teaching and making pizza..........Living life!!

08 January 2015

Nurture you project week One

I've been a mother for 7 years, 8 if you include my first pregnancy. And I have thrown myself in Head first, I have allowed motherhood to consume me and I love it, this is the single most important role I will ever have and I feel such gratitude in my heart every day for the opportunity to have my children at home, to educate them as well as raise them.

But.... somewhere along the way I lost myself and neglected to care for my own health and personal well being. I've gone days without showering or having a single thought to myself. This can only go on for so long before you hit a wall and become ill, depressed and/or close to burn out. This happened to me a few times before I finally got the message a few months ago when I became very unwell very suddenly and was bedridden, unable to move or even speak for a day, it took me a week to recover. I don't even know what it was, but I do know it happened for a reason.
    I have also struggled with my gallbladder since Layla was born and overwhelming anxiety which has gotten worse as the years go on. So over the last few months I have been slowly changing things,renegotiating priorities, struggling to figure out how to love myself in a way that isn't a detriment to my family either in time or money.
    But that is simply unrealistic so it's time to get a bit selfish even though it would be easier (in the short run) not to. I have a responsibility to show my children that your value as a human being doesn't disappear when you become a parent, If anything you need to nurture your mental well being more. I don't mean spending two hours getting ready in the morning whilst my children starve, or them going without clothes so I can have a facial, but yes they will have to sacrifice a little time or maybe there will be an occasion where we choose to pay for a naturopath visit or natural medicine instead of buying a new microscope for example. And I have to be ok with that, I NEED to nurture me in order to be able to give all of myself to my family. I want my children to see through example; how to love yourself while loving those around you. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

So with this in mind, I am starting the Nurture You Project for myself. Once a week I will post about something I have done for myself, or something I love about myself as a person or even a book or quote that has resonated with me. It won't be extravagant or costly, just whatever speaks to my heart at the time.

I really welcome you all to join me. Take a class, eat chocolate, paint your damn toes at last (you've only been trying to for the last two months) or simply put a lock on the toilet door so you don't have an audience (though they will likely still talk to you through the door)!!

Women aren't supposed to be raising children or going through life alone, but the reality is, many of us are. And this is a leading cause of us doing too much for others and not enough for us. So its time to restore, replenish and Nurture ourselves and teach the next generation to do the same.

Women must no longer be the victims of their own neglect!!

So without further ado, today for week one I am going to make lovingly ask my children to play elsewhere while I sit down with this beautiful gift I received from my good friend in Norway. It is a Business and Life Workbook by Leonie Dawson. It basically helps you to set your intentions for the following year. It also makes you think about yourself, who you are, what qualities you have, what you want to work on and what you want from your life, which is harder than it sounds!!

I think this is going to help me really make the most out of 2015 and also force me to take some time to think about myself, my hopes and dreams, what I want to achieve. Exciting stuff!!

I'm so happy to start this project, It's going to give me accountability every week to do something just for me! I know this year is all about abundance and opportunity, and I am more than ready for it all!!

02 January 2015

The best of times

Putting out oats for the Reindeer

Santa prefers Chocolate and Fudge

3 out of 4!!

Finally her own Hot wheels, no more arguments, yay!!

How this one spends 85% of her day at the moment, always trying to wear something!

Lego time with dad

I feel like I'm finally coming out the other side of the Christmas fog that seems to have engulfed our home, in a good way! Lots of baking, making and preparing together. Too many late nights (waiting to wrap presents) due to a certain 7 year old that struggles to go to sleep. We will still keep up our tree until the 4th because Layla's birthday is on the 3rd and its seems to be a nice tradition; to put up the tree before Lachlan's Birthday then take it down after our youngest's.
   Our kindness Elf has departed and the children are already talking about when Wish bunny will come back to life. But I definitely feel like a rest is in order for me, so even though school has restarted at their insistence, I will be doing my darnedest to drink as much tea and do as much gardening as I can.
    I just want to thank all of you who have visited my new little blog, I appreciate every view, comment and email. I'm still finding my feet.

So from us to you we hope you have a most wonderful 2015. I feel this is going to be an amazing year for us all!!