This is one of my most favourite times of year, technically not yet spring but in my eyes it most certainly is! Blossoms on the tree's and lambs trying to get in the garden are surely spring activities? I love being outside and this is the time that Josh and I spend vast amounts of time clearing, planning, weeding and so on in preparation for planting. I also usually start a new project or two, clearing up an area, re-planting with flowers and the like or just tidying it up. This year I have a corner already on the go and I'm also tidying up the children's hideout and have some plans to make it magical which I'm excited about. Josh is going to also build a pallet playhouse for the little ones to keep them amused in the summer evenings which is when we tend the gardens after a hot day. I was inspired by the one that Soulemama's family made for her littlest. I'm also planning for the inevitable adjustments that will have to take place when I resume studying, the daily rhythm will once again change.
Spring gives us such a wonderful opportunity to really engage our children in the magic of the natural world around us, showing them how to embrace and recognise all the subtle changes and get involved in the growing of food they will eat and share with others. It really is one the most.... what's the right word? I don't know...gratifying I suppose, joys for me as a mum who is home educating.
This is their life. It will be such a large part of what shapes the adults they are to become, and what a gift to be right alongside them on that journey.
Love the photos :D Wish we had some sunshine here in the "winterless North" nothing but rain predicted for the next 2 weeks - sigh!
ReplyDeleteLove the pics - esp the two chooks ;) lovely :) I love this time of year too. Something so reviving about seeing those flowers popping up. ...
ReplyDeleteLove the pics - esp the two chooks ;) lovely :) I love this time of year too. Something so reviving about seeing those flowers popping up. ...